What we do

We build tools for measuring welfare, poverty and social mobility and thus being at the vanguard of knowledge between monetary and multidimensional measurement of living conditions. We apply our methodologies to statistical surveys and to information from specific communities or companies.

We design tools and elaborate analyses for decision-making, along with the execution of strategies to generate social change and productive inclusion strategies such as microsimulations, multidimensional analysis, dashboards, targeting methods, spatial analysis and information systems.
We manage and execute social and productive inclusion strategies, programmes and projects for the private sector and governments at national, regional and city level. We include collaborative processes in the design of action plans for territorial planning. We have experience in urban and rural development, as well as in finding solutions in the education and health sectors.
We design and implement operations, results and impact evaluations. In addition, we carry out monitoring, follow-up and evaluability assessment systems for public and private programme portfolios
We have a team continuously working on innovating and researching on instruments used in our consultancies. In addition, we are at the forefront of research in topics such as poverty measurement, social mobility and social and productive inclusion.